My issue with the internet came with the disruption of education. As an elementary student I remember the times we were required to attend computer lab to practice our spelling, typing, and ways to sneak to play Oregon Trails and Solitaire. As we aged so did technology and the things we can do with it. By time I was a freshman in High school we were sneaking to network on MySpace, or laugh at video from youtube. In my Syracuse public education system we weren't taught how to form expand our mind beyond what the screen showed/told us to do but to give into what it was saying. We used Microsoft office every class, but what is that really teaching us? What is that preparing us for in the future? My generation has enough typing skills from texting, AOL instant messenger, MySpace, and Facebook. Having a computer lab in the public education system I feel is more detrimental to the growth and maturity of the students than helpful. If the teaching strategy changed maybe things would be different, maybe if the history behind the internet and mass media if brought up in early education maybe the use of the internet would be different today. Maybe today's "artist" would not be subject to putting up senseless videos on youtube, and actual works of art instead of posting something that took you the same time to create as it takes to view it. ( Lanier, 21)
The fact that nothing takes time anymore due to the vast technology of today, the lack of face to face communication, it's as if we are the gadgets themselves. We are locked-in as people. I do not believe that the internet should be subject to those who only are educated in the field of mass communication, science, etc, but that we watch how the ignorance of our children has made matters worse when it comes to the use of this unstable new technology we call the internet. Most students now-a-days believe in this fantasy that they just need the right break because of the way the internet works, and how many success stories come from it. Never realizing that many more people fail than succeed, back-up plans are still necessary such as some form of education.
I do not think that technology should be blamed for the negative impacts that it has on youth. It is how people use the internet. Youtube, Myspace, & Facebook did not come about on its own, it was created by someone and the way it was used was entirely up to the individual. I went to a public school and started out with the same resources with everyone at my school, but I am in college and many of them are not. People are given life chances and what they choose to do with those life chances is up to them, not technology. As for not having a computer lab in public schools, I believe that would be detrimental, students need to learn know how to browse and explore different areas, because that is what broadens their minds. Texting and Instant messenger cannot develop the necessary writing skills needed in the real world, writing is much more than just jotting thoughts/ideas, you have to be able to funnel those though into a coherent piece. When we text or use instant messenger we are not be pushed to use our creativity; why would we, when most of the time we are texting our friends. To say that computers are unnecessary especially in public schools where certain resources are not available to is incorrect.